What’s In A Name

Powerful name, wonderful name, beautiful name, the name of Jesus!

“O UR” Father You adopt us and call us by the same name of Your One and only Son. There is no other name given among men whereby we can “BE” saved!

No one is smart enough, rich enough or good enough to offer what Christ offers; A “Hallowed Name”!

We offer good gifts to our children, how much more You give us good gifts just for the asking, the gift of eternal life, “BE”ing in Your presence forever, free for the asking! Bring it on King Jesus!

Your will is perfect, converting the soul. “BE” done in us here and now right where we are planted.

It is Your will that all “BE” saved and come to make a decision for Christ. Good, rich and smart people need not apply but only sinners who need to ask Christ to save us.

He keeps His Word and comes to occupy “OUR” body, soul and mind, restored bodily to Himself a people for His name’s sake! WOW! I mean, How good is that?

How long will this last? Forever we pray!

About prayersjourney

Elder, retired, GPa, Journaling life, learning To Pray, same home over fifty years. Five sons and GKids.
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