Let Freedom Reign

When threatened we just close “OUR” eyes until it is over. What they do to us lasts for just awhile, but when it is over, joy comes in the morning!

A new days dawns on us, one day at a time when the Son shines on us. There shall “BE” showers of blessing. To “BE” called a child of the King; King of kings and Lord of all, named for His sake after all He has gone through to prove His love to us, sets us free.

His will is done on earth, in a body to free us, fit for Heaven. He gives us His Word for today that He put Angels in charge over us. When we entertain strangers unawares, are we aware of Your presence in Your messenger to come along side of us to help in time of need? You come into “OUR” lives with others to free us from ourselves. All that binds us is loosened and we are free to “BE” all You meant for us to “BE”, forgiven, cleansed and free.

Amazing love, how can it “BE” that One would die for the sins of many, paying the penalty of sin and death to free us from the chains that bind. The debt has been satisfied in full to do unto others as You have for us. Your rules are golden when Your right to rule overcomes those who would rule over us cause chaos, but You deliver us from the evil one and we are free indeed.

“Priceless” power in doing for others as You do for us. It is “Glorious” when we lay down “OUR” lives to free one another. How long will an economy to free us last? Forever we pray!

About prayersjourney

Elder, retired, GPa, Journaling life, learning To Pray, same home over fifty years. Five sons and GKids.
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1 Response to Let Freedom Reign

  1. New Webmail site for “OUR” Prayer Journals. Go there to receive daily posting To Pray.

    God Thoughts
    Where do these God thoughts come from if it is not You “OUR” Father? We are empty headed and empty hearted without Your inspiration. To deny You would “BE” a sin. How can we say we love You and do things to avoid who You are? …You invade “OUR” “BE”ing and we name it and claim it. Your name is “OUR” title deed to “BE”live again the life of Your One and only Son in these “skin-suits.” Imagine that, if we will, this life of Your Son alive and well in us. More than just feelings, but a know so kind of faith; the faith that Jesus gives never dies it always lives. Who in the world could ever dream anything like this up? To act upon Your Word, to “BE”live it again gives us something to think about; how can it “BE” that we should “BE” called by “OUR” Savior’s name? Accepted and adopted into Your family, the family of God. You give us guidelines to hang “OUR” hat on. It’s no wonder what’s under the lid is mostly about You. Just think that we all have gone astray, we’ve turned everyone to his own way, “OUR” sin, Oh, “OUR” sin, how sad on You it falls; but, You Lord have laid on Him, “OUR” Lord and Savior, all “OUR” inequities and He has sent another One most like Himself to come along side of us to go between us. Thimk! All three of You makes One whole and Holy! To “BE” holy as You are Holy is hard for us to fathom. We can only imagine what it will “BE” like face to face with Christ “OUR” Savior. You lead us away from danger and deliver us from the evil one. Yours is a Kingdom of power and glory to last forever! To Pray rcandme@reagan.com for Daily PRAY-ers Journal

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